One of my favorite places to be in the Fall is next to (not in) a body of water. Rivers, oceans, reservoirs, lakes, creeks, anything will do. I pace the Charles River to think, meander on the Harbor Walk daily before and after work, and head to the ocean when I can. I love when the sky is white-grey, the water blue-grey, and then that moment when you turn around and everything on land is vibrant in contrast – deep greens, auburn, gold and twinkly. In New England you blink and winter will cast that grey light on everything, so I’m doing my best to soak in the colors right now.

These were a few shots from New Hampshire this weekend, the little island town of New Castle, right next to Portsmouth. There have been houses here since the early 1600’s, and with a view like this, it’s not surprising why.

I’m nearly incapable of being in front of the camera without being silly.