I’m sitting on the couch, procrastinating, as I should be packing for my morning flight to Savannah. My thoughts feel disjointed, there’s so much to do before I leave. For November, I’ve committed to writing in this space every day, but writing isn’t easy when fatigue sets in, and somehow I’ve found myself attempting (and struggling) to be coherent well past my bed time. Will you forgive me? Perhaps this ridiculously adorable stuffed animal will make up for my fumbling?

Stuffed Animals at Home

On voting day, I find myself thinking about service to others, wondering how best to build a life that impacts others in a meaningful way. I’m not sure why I didn’t take a photo of my “I Voted!” sticker, but it’s stuck proudly to my jacket tonight. The television is on mute in the background, as I watch the poll tickers flash silently. It’s a waiting game. I can’t listen to the commentators without wanting to throw something at the television. On any channel, regardless of partisan leanings. Tomorrow we’ll know the names of those who will be serving as our leadership, and hopefully they’ll consider putting away the politic-ing, and get to down to business governing.

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I read a biography of William James, and was particularly drawn to his meticulously kept reading lists. I’m fascinated by how curated reading can shape a person, and I really like the idea of an organized pursuit of knowledge, a deeper dive into a subject. I read an article in the Millions a few days ago, about a woman reading through the biographies of our United States presidents in order of their presidency, and thought that it might be a fascinating project.

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Photographs today are from home – I spent most of the morning working from the couch so I could go vote during lunch time, and avoid the lines. Tea at White Heron, highly recommended if you are traveling through Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Daily Cup of Green at White Heron

White Heron Tea Portsmouth NH

Clear Skies in Fall

Golden Trees

Moms Flower

November Rosebuds

Ornamental Kale

Parsley in Fall


The front garden persists, despite first snow, and harsh conditions. Bright red pineapple sage blossoms, a budding rose, ornamental kale, and parsley that is still growing like a weed. It seems like the plants aren’t quite ready for winter either.